Meet the Team


Dr Andrew Whittle


Qualified in Liverpool in 1982. He is on the NWLHA Obstetric list, Minor Surgery list and Child Health Surveillance list.

Special medical interests: Child Health, Joint Injections, Dermatology & Family Planning

Dr Simon Bevz

MB ChB (m)

Qualified Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland 1998. Minor Surgery list. His special medical interests are Surgery, Respiratory and Orthopaedics

Dr Sue Fairhead

MBBS DRCOG MRCGP FP Cert, MSC in applied (f)

Trained at Guy’s Hospital in the 1980’s, Qualified 1985.

Special interests: Diabetes and the associated conditions, Kidney Disease and Weight Management.

Dr Waqaas Yousaf


Special Interests: pre-hospital medicine, acute care and patient centred treatment.

Dr Fiaz Yousaf (m)


Dr Rachel Goodman


Qualified University of Manchester 2007
Special interests: Elderly Medicine and Woman’s Health

Advanced Nurse Practioners

Naomi (f)

BSc(Hons) Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Independent Nurse Prescriber
Specialist Practitioner in General Practice Nursing
Diploma in Hypertension
Currently undertaking Master’s Degree in Advanced Nurse Practitioner Training

Cathy (f)

Lizzie (f)

RGN Registered Nurse and Independent Nurse Prescriber

Diplomas in CHD/ Asthma/ COPD/ Diabetes/ Contraception.
Cervical Cytology
Adult and Child Immunisations.
ARTP Spirometry Trained

Currently training as advanced nurse practioner

Nursing Team

Kate (f)

Lead Nurse

RGN Registered
PCTC Diploma in Coronary Heart Disease Prevention, Cervical Cytology, Adult & Childhood Immunisations, COPD diploma, Diabetes diploma, Travel health, ARTP spirometry, Contraception and sexual health diploma, Smoking cessation Advisor and Learning Disabilities Link Nurse

Andrea (f)

Practice Nurse

Registered Nurse BSc First Class Honours Degree Adult Nursing
Adult and Child Immunisations trained​
Training towards CVD diploma

Adele (f)

Practice Nurse

Diploma in Adult Nursing
Trained in cardiovascular disease, diabetes, women’s health, cytology and asthma​
Perform spirometry testing

Natalie-Anne Hornby

Practice Nurse

Sarah Simkin

Nurse Associate

Emily (f)

Health Care Assistant

Lorraine (f)

Health Care Assistant

Cheryl (f)

Health Care Assistant

Treatment Room

Nurse Julia Durham (f)

Lead Nurse

The Treatment Room is led by Nurse Julia Durham along with her team, Health Care Assistants. The Treatment room staff deal with dressings, removal of sutures, ear syringing and blood pressure checks. They also perform injections and blood tests at the written request of a doctor.

Bev Fox (f)

Health Care Assistant

Treatment Room Services, including Phlebotomy, Ear Irrigation, Wound Dressing and Blood Pressure Recording.

Racheal Potts (f)

Trainee Nurse Associate

Treatment Room Services, including Phlebotomy, Ear Syringing, Wound Dressing and Blood Pressure Recording.

Administration Team

Tracy (f)

Medical Secretary

The Practice employs Tracy as Medical Secretary who’s duties are to provide secretarial support to the Doctors and ensures referrals and paperwork is dealt with efficiently and effectively.

Jenny (f)

Workflow and Admin Lead

Jenny overseas the admin team to ensure that all deadlines and requests are met in a timely manner
  • Sally (f)
  • Lisa (f)
  • Marina (f)
  • Sandra (f)
  • Stephanie (f)
  • Alison (f)

The team is responsible for maintaining records for all aspects of patient care from referrals to receiving new patient notes and liaising with external clinics and hospitals, our admin team provide an essential service to the practice

Reception Team

Lynnette (f)

Senior Receptionist

Lynnette heads up the reception team and ensures that the patients needs are met on a day to day basis
  • Caroline (f)
  • Carol (f)
  • Lisa (f)
  • Susan (f)
  • Sue (f)
  • Angela(f)

Kerrie (f)

Caz (f)

Maria (f)

The team are your first point of contact and are responsible for triaging, making appointments, ordering repeat medication and so much more.

Pharmacy Team

Lynnsey Burn (f)


Our pharmacist will help you with any medicines related.  He can give you advice about taking your medicines, liaise with your community pharmacists, help you with knowing what you should be taking and carry out medicine reviews.

Kirsty (f)

Pharmacy Assistant

Diane (f)

Trainee Pharmacy Technician


Lucy Drury (f)

Practice Manager

Liz Davies (f)

Operations Manager

Our Management team oversees the staff and the smooth running of the practice. They will be only too willing to help you with any administrative or non-medical aspects of your health and treatment. They are available by appointment to discuss any suggestions which may improve our service to you.

Healthcare Team

Community Nurses

There is a District Nursing Team attached to the practice. They can be contacted directly by telephoning the Far North Neighbourhood team on 01253 951939. They will only be able to assist if you have been referred by either Primary or Secondary care.

Health Visitors

There is a Health Visitor team attached to the practice. They can be contacted on 0300 247 0040 option 2 for any queries regarding your child.